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Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

26.11.2007 20:46
OpenPG2 Antworten

Although it is already on the wish list (#53), I would like to emphasize the importance of a decrease in experience whenever a unit is filled up to maximum strength.

I quite agree, it is quite unrealistic, old PG did it much better.
For OpenPG2 have in mind to include two options:
1) Avoid re-strengthening units at start of next scenario. So weakened units on previous scenario should be refitted manually after paying the cost, not automatic and free.

2) Make unit experience as average of current strength experience and reinforce strength default experience (the same as you suggest)

Both features should be "options" to use or not, as to keep existing campaigns and scenarios playable.
Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

26.11.2007 20:58
OpenPG2 Antworten

I don't know, whether there's already the following suggestion:

One of PG mistakes is, that you can't enter the last Victroy Hex in a PBEM-match, without quitting the game automatically. This can cause discussions, whether it is necessary to hold some own hexes to win. And if one conquers the hex in the very last turn, one has to make a sreenshot to proof the victory.


Hi Scipio, this is a good point IMHO ... and nobody else had suggested yet.
I have on mind a similar features for campaign players which is to save automatically the scenario once finished - so after entering the last victory or any other victory condition and before loading the next scenario.
This would allow many possibilities for debugging campaigns and creating AARs and I think it could also solve the problem you have pointed out.
General Kessler Offline


Beiträge: 83

27.11.2007 19:27
OpenPG2 Antworten


Can you splitt the leaders in openPG2 in Air-, Field- and Sea-Commander???

I am not sure to understand this, could you give me a sample ?

Can you make. that we don´t have double Leaders???

Do you mean if, let's say a unit get a Dev. Fire leaded, no other unit can get another Dev.Fire leader ?

to 1:
yes a sample: Now we can only get to a unit a leader. that for a "name" the leader has come form the names.txt - so the question is that I can make in the name.txt 10 names for Sea leader (like Dönitz, Raeder or Bren..); 10 names for Air leader (like Kesselring...); 20 Field leaders (Rommel usw) for every of the 32 contries. If I take a leader for a battleship it´s automaticly one of the 10 Sea leaders.

to 2:
Now we have much double or more leaders with the same name. as sample "Rommel" - so can you make, that the name only once per game occurs.

Also a idea is that we can assign some spezial-property to a part of names of leaders.
Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

28.11.2007 18:52
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hi Kessler,
than you for the samples, I see now what you mean.
Clu Offline


Beiträge: 4.080

24.01.2008 09:52
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hi Luis,
haven’t found it at the list.

I wish to have the opportunity to embark an unit with it’s ground transport into an air transport. At least for airborne unit with airborne ground transport. Which is not possible at the moment I think. You loose the ground transport while embarking.
But in reality it’s possible to fly an unit with it’s ground transport. So why not in PG?

I post the same in the other forum.

Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

24.01.2008 12:36
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hi Clu
That is possible today using last 008's patch.
You need to set "Airtransportable" special attribute on both the unit and the transport, and then transport is not lost when embarking.
Clu Offline


Beiträge: 4.080

24.01.2008 12:49
OpenPG2 Antworten
I'll test it again. Tell you the results tomorow.

Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.941

24.01.2008 16:41
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hey Clu,
there are air-transportable Jeeps (US, UK) in the RSF 2.7!
Clu Offline


Beiträge: 4.080

25.01.2008 07:30
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hi Luis,
I took the wrong infantry for the test 2 days ago.

Yesterday it worked. We live and learn.
So please forget my proposal.

Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

28.11.2008 13:33
OpenPG2 Antworten
Sorry to be missing so long ...

But finally there is a new alpha prototype available at my site including a first PBEM implementation, I'd like if some of you could have a look and test a bit.

This first implementation doesn't include yet minimal checking about using same Efile, Options and so, ... it just includes the basic new/load pbem, reply turn, and end of turn as well as password management ( btw: the new pbem save files are .xeml instead of .eml )

This new alpha (0.30a) includes the same formula used on PG2 -l at least we thinks it is the same - so if you want to help us testing, please go here:

Can read the new features and get the prototype from
Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.941

30.11.2008 14:34
OpenPG2 Antworten
Thank you so much, Luis! I'm very sad to have no spare time to do any testing.
I hope some of our members will test it, report errors, and make further suggestions. Without OpenPG2 there will be no future for our game!
Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

02.12.2008 10:25
OpenPG2 Antworten

I'm very sad to have no spare time to do any testing.
I hope some of our members will test it, report errors, and make further suggestions

Yes... it is pity and I hope somebody else could do.
Alsenor Offline


Beiträge: 91

04.01.2009 19:31
OpenPG2 Antworten

Unfortunately, the v2.20 of the UK-patch will probably be its last update.
The more important is a project by Luis Guzman (ingenious creator of the Suite PG2) and s.o. else, the OpenPG2.

OpenPG2 is not meant as a Unix version (some of us misunderstood that previously), but just a better PG2 with higher screen resolution, night turns like in Dynasty General and lots of more features.

You can have a look at it at

and download a test version at

Since this topic is made up for a discussion with Luis, please keep it in English throughout! I hope you can support him (I can't due to lack of time )!

I wanted to look at the examples, but the above URL links get me redirected to:!
Luis Guzman Offline


Beiträge: 27

04.01.2009 23:10
OpenPG2 Antworten
Hi Alsenor,
Well, these links are a bit obsoletes, since I moved my site my to a new domain.

You can get all the info from my new site at Current prototype is available from Downloads page or from OpenPG2 page.

You can also visit to read last discussions about new features additions.
Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.941

04.01.2009 23:13
OpenPG2 Antworten
Luis' OpenPG2 has moved to:

(And the master himself replied as well )
Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.941

16.09.2009 15:44
#76 RE: OpenPG2 Antworten

A playable alpha version is available at !
Looks damn good!

Please support Luis - and thereby yourselves! - by testing and bug-reporting at !

„Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ - Albert Einstein

Schumi III Offline


Beiträge: 276

24.09.2009 10:48
#77 RE: OpenPG2 Antworten

i`ve test the alpha version ,
very good, how you`ll the final version make better ?????? it`s not realy possible !!
Thank you for your super work !

Rayydar Offline


Beiträge: 11.941

14.11.2009 20:29
#78 RE: OpenGen Antworten

OpenPG2 heißt jetzt OpenGen - aber sonst ändert sich nicht, d.h. die Raiders heißen immer noch nicht Twixxs.
Und OpenGen ist mittlerweile prima spielbar; ich benutze es oft für KI-Partien und empfinde das UK-Patch schon als Rückschritt, obwohl es in wenigen Punkten noch besser / schneller ist.

„Der Einzige, der den Valentinstag richtig begangen hat, war Al Capone!"
- Dr. John Becker, das sonnigste Gemüt der Bronx

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